Episode 12

Beyond Petty: Building Stronger Relationships (Part 2)

Do you ever find yourself getting hung up on minor annoyances with your partner, family, or friends? This episode explores the concept of pettiness and how it can sabotage our relationships. We'll discuss tips for overcoming petty arguments, communicating effectively, and building a foundation for a stronger, more understanding connection. Learn how to "be the bigger person" and move forward, creating a more positive and fulfilling life for yourself and those around you.

Part 1 - Love on the Seesaw: Finding Lasting Connection 
Part 3 - Love More, Hate Less: The Key to Healthy Relationships and a Happy You

The following is all the opinion of the Podcast host based off personal experience. The following is not Historically or Religiously accurate.
*Content warning - Occasional Cursing

About the Podcast

Show artwork for His Her N Ours - Life is a Party - Her Edition
His Her N Ours - Life is a Party - Her Edition

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