Episode 7

Mismatched Frequencies

In this episode, we dive deep into the complexities of communication and understanding in relationships. Through a raw and honest exploration, we uncover the challenges of navigating different perspectives, even within the closest of bonds. From the seemingly endless debates to the frustration of feeling unheard, we question how two people can experience the same world so differently. Join us as we discuss the importance of active listening, effective communication, and the power of self-awareness in building stronger connections.

Keywords: relationships, communication, perspective, understanding, disagreement, marriage, partnership, self-awareness


Welcome to His, Hers, and Ours, Hers Edition. Have you ever felt like the world could be a better place, but you're unsure where to start? You're not alone. I believe that even one person can make a difference. This podcast is about awakening and empowering ourselves to build a stronger future for our communities.

I know what it's like to juggle a lot as a single mom. I work multiple jobs to make ends meet as a wife and mother. I went to college and got my bachelor's degree in information technology. But those challenges taught me invaluable lessons about resilience and resourcefulness. On his hers and ours hers edition, we'll be tackling real world issues, exploring solutions, and sharing inspiring stories, all focused on relationships, careers, parenting, and the

things that matter


most in our lives. Let's get started.

In this episode, I want to address how it feels to listen to your partner's point of view on everything. Life, responsibilities, sex, marriage, raising kids, listening to his recordings and editing them. I was What? Oh my god, I can't believe I have to do this.

On the same note, he probably listens to what I say, and he's like, Oh, she's so full of it. Oh my god, whatever, I wish, or it's not even like that. It's crazy how, even though we're living in the same space and experiencing a lot of the same things, he What we perceive or understand from the


other person could be completely incorrect because when I listen to him I say we agree on so many points, so why do we argue so much?

Why do we have so many disagreements? How is it possible that we can debate for 45 minutes? And we're saying the same thing, it seems improbable that we waste so much time not understanding each other when we're saying the same thing or feeling the same way or trying to emphasize the same point. That makes me think, how many times do we do that throughout our day, throughout our year, throughout our life?

How many times do we disagree with something because we honestly do not understand what is being said? And sometimes it doesn't feel like you're disagreeing, you're just trying to get more information, because that's how I always feel.


If I feel something is unclear, I need you to make it clear. It's what makes me good at my job, it's what makes me good at problem resolution, at critical thinking.

I don't look at the surface and say, I believe everything you showed me. I look deeper, I ask more questions, I say, could you clarify this and what happens in this scenario? What if we do this and what happens if we press the red button? My need to get to the bottom of stuff has taken me to where I am today. I'm comfortable in my career, and I've met a lot of people, it is amazing to look at oneself and see what we accomplished.

Because we shortchange ourselves all the time. it's never enough. No matter how much you work or make, you deserve more. The people above us are usually a step


away from incompetent, and they make so much more than us. And they're, Make it seem like their life is easier, but

you don't know what's going on with that person. You don't know if that's the truth. You don't know another person's suffering or lessons and what they're. And just because a person makes more than you, doesn't mean that they're happy. And just because the person is above you, doesn't automatically mean that they make more money than you.

You can't make assumptions and honestly, you shouldn't compare. If you don't compare yourself to somebody, you'll never feel like you're falling short or that you're ahead. You will always only focus on yourself and stay humble and just improve yourself.

Not based off of what other people are doing, but based off of what you can do, what's in your capacity, what you can learn build, or establish. We can't say, so and so learned this in three


weeks, so I need to learn it in three weeks. Or, I need to learn it in two weeks because I need to be better. You need to say, I'm going to learn it thoroughly, it's going to take me whatever amount of time it takes to thoroughly understand it

that is going to build your value more than focusing and trying to catch up with other people. And at the same time, don't smile and be happy and say good day and be positive because life can be exhausting if you run at the wrong pace or at the wrong time. We should pace ourselves and prep ourselves so that when we meet obstacles that are going to challenge us, we are well prepared and able to overcome them.

But when we fail to identify our lessons, we trip fall and say, life is hard and difficult and I


can't take it.

don't get me twisted. There's haters and some things outside of your control, but God will take them away. He will make a path if you bear it. He will remove people and put you where you need to be so you can grow, flourish, and excel. We are all meant to excel. None of us are placed here to fail. We're distracted by external factors which lead us astray. It's a choice. Always remember that you're in control of your life. You decide whether you go down the correct path or the wrong path. Listen to your internal guide.

The GPS in your solar plexus that is going to tell you do not do that and yes do that I need to follow my advice. I was making a cup of very hot coffee. Using the tea kettle and instant flakes. when I read this


message that said, please approve this urgently.

I put my coffee down to approve it. And my brain said, why would you put the cup right there? It's going to fall on your lap and burn you. Instead of moving it, I kept trying to approve it. And 30 seconds later, you know what happened? I was burned so bad that it still hurts two days later. I tried warm water, cold water, and ice, but it hurt so much that I over iced it. I have this huge burn mark, and it's just irritating me. All because when I heard that inner voice that told me it's not a good place for the cup, then man, whatever, it's not that serious.

And it was that serious. Listen to that inner voice, no matter how silly, because it's there for a reason. It's there to guide us. It's there to


keep us from burning ourselves and damn near having to go to the hospital.

As we conclude this episode, I want to reiterate the importance of listening to your inner voice. It's your personal GPS, guiding you through life challenges and opportunities. Whether it's navigating relationships, pursuing your career, or simply managing daily tasks, trust your instincts and make conscious choices.

Remember, you have the power to shape your own destiny.

together we can create a positive impact and make a difference in the world. Thank you for listening. Stay blessed. Bye.

About the Podcast

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His Her N Ours - Life is a Party - Her Edition

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